Judge Hummel then pulled out a black handgun from an over-the-belt leather holster beneath his robe, and started waving it around the room.
Specifically, Briggman obtains court documents from publicly accessible websites and posts them to his social media pages.
Neither experience nor logic justified the initial sealing of this proceeding. And nothing in today’s order justifies our continued sealing.
The parties shall, no later than Thursday, May 26, 2022, file their Joint Status Report and show cause to the Court.
Judge Albert Diaz insults the American homeowners and Judge Stephanie Thacker endorses opinion along with lower court Judge Tim Cullen.
Morrison, a homeowner represented by the local legal aid society, loses his case when dismissed WITH PREJUDICE.
Former DoD OIG Official Sentenced for Accepting Bribes and Defrauding the United States by Senior Judge Liam O'Grady, who enhanced sentence.